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Millions of “clinical experiences” (eye irrigations) have been performed by personnel using the Morgan Lens.  Please read about just a few of those cases from thousands of satisfied physicians, nurses and patients.  Information on the Morgan Lens can be found in hundreds of medical articles and textbooks.  Also, ask your peers about their experiences with the Morgan Lens.

The Morgan Lens has never let me down.  It does exactly what it's supposed to do and I have had absolutely no problem with it.  It's especially appreciated when caring for young children.

Physician (California)

The quality and effectiveness of the Morgan Lens speaks for itself.  I manage an Emergency Department in a rural area with minimal staffing and the Morgan Lens system is equivalent to having an additional staff member because it frees the RN to do other things while the Morgan Lens system does its job.  

Registered Nurse (Wisconsin)

While working at Bethlehem Steel, I had many opportunities to use the Morgan Lens.  The employees frequently splashed solutions into their eyes.  The Morgan Lens helped us irrigate their eyes promptly and efficiently.  We could seat belt the employee/patient into the van, check his eyes, pop in the Morgan Lens, hook up the I.V. bag.  While transporting him to the dispensary, his eyes were being irrigated.  Prompt irrigation with the Morgan Lens in route to the dispensary helps prevent eye damage.

Registered Nurse (Maryland)

I appreciate the Morgan lens for the ease of use, how it provides me free hands for patient care (instead of needing more hands) and comfort by patients.    

Nurse Educator (Washington)

I just spent three hours in the ER.  The trip to the ER was precipitated by my getting a mixture of bleach, Mr. Clean and water in my left eye while scrubbing the soffits of the siding on my house.  Whilst in the ER, I had my eye irrigated twice with a 0.9% solution of NaCl using the Morgan Lens to facilitate the irrigation.  THANK YOU for creating the Morgan Lens.  My eye felt so much better after the second round of irrigation, and it did take two rounds before the pH level in my eye returned to normal.  I know companies always hear about the things that go wrong with their equipment.  I want you to know that your equipment did something wonderful, and I want you to know how very much I appreciate it.

Patient - Platteville, WI

The Oslo University Eye Department has used the Morgan Lens for 16 years.  We use it in all emergency cases and find that it gives the patients better chances than without this equipment.  In fact, we have reduced the need for hospitalization for more than one night for these patients, and the recovery without scars and permanent loss of visions is far better than without it.  Usually, we don't give our recommendations for products like this, but we have been so happy with the Morgan Lens that we would like to recommend it to all ophthalmologists.  Their patients will benefit from its use.

Physician-Ophthalmologist (Norway)

I started my career in emergency nursing nearly 20 years ago.  That's when I was introduced to the Morgan Lens and began using them when I needed to irrigate the patient's eyes.  In my current role as an ED Director,

I orient our new staff.  Occasionally one of the new nurses is unfamiliar with Morgan Lenses.  I'm always excited to tell them about the Morgan Lens and how they greatly simplify eye irrigation.  It's efficient for the nurse and effective and comfortable for the patient.  That's an unbeatable combination.   

ED Educator (Florida)

I have always found the Morgan Lens to be beneficial especially to patients who arrive in the ED with complaints of foreign body in the eye.  After a rapid triage evaluation, MD exam, tetracaine for the eye, the patient is not in any distress and the Morgan Lens is helpful in removing foreign bodies. 

Registered Nurse (New York)

My 16-month-old son received an ocular chemical burn when his 3 ½-year-old brother discovered a cleaning solution without a child-proof lid.  Both eyes were flushed at home for 3 to 5 minutes before he was taken to the ED.  Once there, Alcaine drops were instilled, Morgan Lenses inserted into both eyes and irrigation started with lactated Ringer’s.  He promptly fell asleepIf I can use it on my own child and trust it – so can anyone!    

Registered Nurse (Kentucky)

Three Army soldiers were on their way to us following an explosion of an improvised device.  The driver had goggles on and suffered extensive facial trauma and all three had eye injuries from the debris that hit them.  We got bilateral Morgan Lenses in all three and flushed each with several liters of LR.  Followed with antibiotics, they were rebandaged and on an emergency air evacuation that evening.  These men were grateful for the care they received.  The technicians and physicians here are thankful that everyone knew what to do to get the lens system set up and running.  I am grateful to you for the opportunity to access the class online and ability to present it shortly after we arrived.  One of the others did have a corneal laceration that we could assess after flushing.  We feel confident that all will have the best outcomes thanks to the Morgan Lens use.

We also had a patient who experienced an electrical explosion (a generator) to his face.  We used Morgan Lenses to irrigate his eyes and sent him on an air evacuation flight to Germany.  He has since returned to duty and is doing well with minimal residual sight loss.                                   

Military Registered Nurse (Active Duty)

A 37-year-old man was arrested by the NYPD and in the struggle, mace was sprayed into his eyes.   The patient was also cocaine intoxicated.  He was thrashing about so violently that we could not effectively irrigate his eyes with IV tubing, nor with the nasal cannula (attached to IV tubing) straddling his nose.  The Morgan Lens worked beautifully.

Physician (New York)

I just wanted to tell you that your device you gave me in San Francisco has already gone into action with great success.  A heavily infected, perforated eye, 24 hours old, with starting panophthalmitis (trauma with a wooden chip from a pork stable!) arrived yesterday.  After surgical repair I fitted your Morgan Lens and started with Chloramphenicol, Decadron in lactated Ringer's solution.  To my great astonishment, the eye today had quieted down, the patient was without any pain, and the panophthalmitis seems to have disappeared to a large extent.  I wished I could donate you an automated perimeter in return!

Physician-Ophthalmologist (Switzerland)

An ambulance was dispatched to a local industry for a worker who had been sprayed in both eyes with brake fluid under pressure.  On scene, our paramedic inserted bilateral Morgan Lenses.  He proceeded to flush both eyes simultaneously with approximately 1500 cc N.S.S. on the way to the hospital.  The patient tolerated the entire procedure very well, felt much better, and an examination of the patient's eyes, after the Morgan Lens removal, showed no tissue damage.  The patient had a full recovery with no complications, thanks to the availability and efficiency of the Morgan Lens system.

Registered Nurse (New Hampshire)

Exceptional ease of use, patient tolerance and effectiveness in eye clearing compared to IV tubing/squirting, etc.  Remarkably easy to train in use and frees staff to continue work while auto-irrigation occurs.  Have also used personally.

Physician (Virginia)

The Morgan Lens has proven to be an indispensable aid in my thirteen years of emergency practice.  During that time, my work has taken me to eight or ten different hospitals and medical centers, and I'm always happy to say each and every one of them has kept the Morgan Lens in stock and at the ready.  And, each time a patient is suddenly presented with a chemical or other toxic eye exposure, it is immediately apparent that there is simply no substitute for this product.  In these situations, I have come to depend on it.  I think this testimonial simply reflects what every other emergency physician knows about your landmark device.

...could not effectively irrigate his eyes with IV tubing...

Physician (California)

I can testify to a positive experience with the Morgan Lens.  Patient:  myself.  I had a patient who regurgitated the charcoal given to him for his OD, just after I had removed my protective face mask.  I sustained an eyeful of activated charcoal.  It was removed almost painlessly by several liters of N.S. irrigation via the Morgan Lens, much more easily than the "old way" of using fingers to open lids and squirting the eye.

Physician (Virginia)

A 60-year-old female splashed cleaning solution in her eyes.  She was irrigated with the Morgan Lens until pH returned to normal.  Afterwards, she told me, "You know, contact lenses are a lot more comfortable than I thought. Maybe I should get some!".  Her chemical conjunctivitis resolved nicely without sequelae. A clinical success.

Physician (Virginia)

Excellent device.  Atraumatic and well-tolerated--frees up nurse's hands. Efficient always.

Physician (Canada)

I have used the Morgan Lens many times and have had great success.  The patients tolerated it very well.  Good product!

Physician (Missouri)

Thanks for the opportunity to sing the praises of the Morgan Lens! Those of us who have been in the field for a while wonder what we ever did without them!  We find two general uses for the lenses.   One is for contact irritation:  most typically, splashes.  After local anesthetic, for ease of insertion, the lenses fit comfortably on patients of all ages and provide gentle and thorough irrigation of irritant substances. We have many cases of this type.  The second most common use is for patients show suffer multiple injuries due to automobile accidents, major trauma, burns, falls, etc.  Not only does the lens thoroughly irrigate the eye, removing most or all of the debris that has accumulated, it more importantly frees up the nurse's hands so that she can perform other lifesaving functions.  Quite frankly, eye irrigation was treated as "the bottom of the list" often because other patient's other injuries were more devastating with higher morbidity and mortality.  Particularly in the burn patient, the soothing effect of the irrigation and potential to prevent infection or further injury, make it an easy to use, valuable asset for patient care.

Registered Nurse (Montana)

-Once I had an exposure while give a patient a medication through a saline lock.  The syringe backed out slightly and when I gave the med a little push it sprayed into my eyes.  It burned, so I immediately flushed my eyes.  A co-worker instilled a Morgan lens to each eye and ran sterile N.S. and I felt immediate relief.

-A local trauma surgeon and avid woodworker complained of irritation to his eye for several days.  The eye was obviously irritated.  After being examined by an emergency department doctor for a foreign body, and finding none, we irrigated the eye using the Morgan Lens.  The surgeon found the lens to be comfortable, and after irrigation the eye felt better.  Two days later his eye was better without redness or irritation.

-An employee of the hospital where I work had a car battery explode in his face.  An eye irrigation was set up and initiated with the Morgan Lens.  He felt much better and commented on the soothing feeling of the sterile saline irrigation.

Registered Nurse (California)

A Pediatric Nurse's Endorsement: The Morgan Lens for Emergency Eye Irrigation for Children


Clear Vision for Care: A Pediatric Nurse's Experience with the Morgan Lens

I appreciate the Morgan lens for the ease of use, how it provides me free hands for patient care (instead of needing more hands) and comfort by patients.    

Nurse Educator (Washington)

MorTan Inc.

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 8719
Missoula, MT 59807

Shipping Address:
329 East Pine St
Missoula, MT 59802

Toll-Free Telephone1-800-423-8659
Telephone: 406-728-2522

Monday - Thursday
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM MT

8:00 - 1:00 PM MT 

Why Use The Morgan Lens?

The Morgan Lens is used in 90% of hospital emergency departments in the USA and can be inserted in less than 20 seconds. There simply is no other "hands-free" method of eye irrigation. Nothing else frees medical personnel to treat other injuries or to transport the patient while irrigation is underway. Nothing is more effective at treating ocular chemical, thermal, and actinic burns or removing non-embedded foreign bodies, even when the patient's eyes are closed tightly. Its design makes it simple and straightforward to use so minimal training is required.