Chemical Injuries to the eyes. Emergency, intermediate, and long term care
Author: Nelson JD, Kopietz LA.
Publication: Postgrad Med. 1987 Mar;81 (4):62-6, 69-71, 75
The first step in treatment of chemical injuries to the eyes is immediate, thorough, and if necessary, prolonged irrigation. Ophthalmologic consultation should be obtained early in the course of treatment, and in severe injuries an anterior chamber tap (paracentesis) may be of benefit. Topical cycloplegics and antibiotics should be administered and a “bandage” contact lens placed to protect the corneal epithelium. If the eyelid is involved, care must be taken to protect the cornea and provide a moist local environment. Long-term care of a severely injured eye is fraught with difficulties, including glaucoma and recurrent corneal ulcerations.